Saturday, November 10, 2007

Reaction To NY Times Article

This article is about how this year (2007) has had the highest death rate in Afghanistan. After the American troops had a meeting with elders in the village, they were returning back to the camp base and got ambushed with rocket grenades and firearms; As a result, six U.S. troops were killed.

This article made me appreciate the American troops so much more. They are risking their lives for everyone in the United States; They are risking everything so Americans do not have to live in fear. It made me sad to learn that this year has had such a high death rate and I hope something can be done so we can get out of Afghanistan and get the troops back home. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a family member or friend go over to fight and never come back. Bring the troops home.

1 comment:

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