Monday, November 5, 2007


I have a lot of things that bug me a lot. I cannot stand when someone thinks they know everything and they think they're better than everyone else. Most of these people judge others before they even get to know them and THAT is annoying. Ater you get to know someone they are usually completely different than you first percieve them to be. When others don't take the time to find the real person and go based on first impression, I am extremely bothered. Another thing that bothers me is when people constantly pick on you and don't know when to stop. This happens with a lot of boys in our school. Lots of people pick on me and my friends and think nothing of it; little do they know it hurts your feelings sometimes. Just annoying - but oh well I guess. In life there are always gonna be things that bother you, I guess that is why you learn to put up a front and just deal with it.

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